Quick Sort Code

It’s unlikely that you will be asked to write code to do a quick sort from scratch in an A Level exam.  Rather, you should understand and be able to explain the quicksort algorithm, and recognise the implementation code when you see it.

Below are 3 different VB.NET implementations of a function that will partition an unordered list.  Notice that in each version, the function takes 3 parameters: the list to be sorted, a left pointer and a right pointer.  When called, the function is passed the lower and upper bounds of the array as the left and right pointers.  Any one of these versions could be used in a quicksort.

The final section of code is an example of a recursive quicksort procedure that makes use of one of the partitioning functions.

You could copy and paste these examples into a new VB.NET solution and experiment with them.

Partition a list – version 1

This version of a function to partition a list closely follows the algorithm which nominates the left most value of the list as a pivot.

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim aiData(7) As Integer
        aiData(0) = 5
        aiData(1) = 2
        aiData(2) = 7
        aiData(3) = 6
        aiData(4) = 9
        aiData(5) = 1
        aiData(6) = 4
        aiData(7) = 8

        Dim stOut As String
        stOut = "Original List" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
        For i As Integer = 0 To 7
            stOut = stOut & aiData(i) & "   "
        stOut = stOut & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Partitioned List" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine

        Call Partition(aiData, 0, 7)

        For i As Integer = 0 To 7
            stOut = stOut & aiData(i) & "   "

    End Sub

    Function Partition(ByRef aiData As Integer(), iLeft As Integer, iRight As Integer)

        Dim iPivot As Integer
        iPivot = aiData(iLeft)
        Dim stCurrentPointer As String
        stCurrentPointer = "Right"

        Do While iLeft <> iRight
            If stCurrentPointer = "Right" Then
                If aiData(iRight) < iPivot Then
                    aiData(iLeft) = aiData(iRight)
                    iLeft = iLeft + 1
                    stCurrentPointer = "Left"
                    iRight = iRight - 1
                End If
            ElseIf stCurrentPointer = "Left" Then
                If aiData(iLeft) > iPivot Then
                    aiData(iRight) = aiData(iLeft)
                    iRight = iRight - 1
                    stCurrentPointer = "Right"
                    iLeft = iLeft + 1
                End If
            End If
        aiData(iLeft) = iPivot
        Return iLeft

    End Function

End Class

Partition a list – version 2

This is a modified version of a function to partition a list which also nominates the left most value of the list as a pivot.

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim aiData(7) As Integer
        aiData(0) = 5
        aiData(1) = 2
        aiData(2) = 7
        aiData(3) = 6
        aiData(4) = 9
        aiData(5) = 1
        aiData(6) = 4
        aiData(7) = 8

        Dim stOut As String
        stOut = "Original List" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
        For i As Integer = 0 To 7
            stOut = stOut & aiData(i) & "   "
        stOut = stOut & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Partitioned List" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine

        Call Partition2(aiData, 0, 7)

        For i As Integer = 0 To 7
            stOut = stOut & aiData(i) & "   "

    End Sub

    Function Partition2(ByRef aiData As Integer(), iLeft As Integer, iRight As Integer)

        Dim iPivot As Integer
        iPivot = aiData(iLeft)

        Do While iLeft <> iRight

            Do While (aiData(iRight) > iPivot) And (iLeft <> iRight)
                iRight = iRight - 1

            aiData(iLeft) = aiData(iRight)

            Do While (aiData(iLeft) < iPivot) And (iLeft <> iRight)
                iLeft = iLeft + 1

            aiData(iRight) = aiData(iLeft)


        aiData(iLeft) = iPivot
        Return iLeft

    End Function

End Class

Partition a list – version 3

This version of a function to partition a list does not explicitly nominate a pivot.  Values at the left and right pointers are compared, each time the smaller value is moved to the left pointer, or the larger value is moved to the right pointer.  In this version, the value that started at the right hand side of the list finds itself in the correct position.

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim aiData(7) As Integer
        aiData(0) = 5
        aiData(1) = 2
        aiData(2) = 7
        aiData(3) = 6
        aiData(4) = 9
        aiData(5) = 1
        aiData(6) = 4
        aiData(7) = 8

        Dim stOut As String
        stOut = "Original List" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
        For i As Integer = 0 To 7
            stOut = stOut & aiData(i) & "   "
        stOut = stOut & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Partitioned List" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine

        Call Partition3(aiData, 0, 7)

        For i As Integer = 0 To 7
            stOut = stOut & aiData(i) & "   "

    End Sub

    Function Partition3(ByRef aiData As Integer(), iLeft As Integer, iRight As Integer)

        Dim iTemp As Integer

        Do While iLeft <> iRight

            Do While (aiData(iLeft) < aiData(iRight)) And (iLeft <> iRight)
                iLeft = iLeft + 1

            iTemp = aiData(iLeft)
            aiData(iLeft) = aiData(iRight)
            aiData(iRight) = iTemp

            Do While (aiData(iLeft) < aiData(iRight)) And (iLeft <> iRight)
                iRight = iRight - 1

            iTemp = aiData(iLeft)
            aiData(iLeft) = aiData(iRight)
            aiData(iRight) = iTemp
        Return iLeft

    End Function

End Class

Quicksort a list

The code below includes a procedure to call one of the partitioning functions recursively (any one will do), and therefore quicksort the list.

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub btnQuickSort_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnQuickSort.Click

        Dim aiData(7) As Integer
        aiData(0) = 5
        aiData(1) = 2
        aiData(2) = 7
        aiData(3) = 6
        aiData(4) = 9
        aiData(5) = 1
        aiData(6) = 4
        aiData(7) = 8

        Call QuickSort(aiData, 0, 7)

        Dim stOut As String
        For i As Integer = 0 To 7
            stOut = stOut & aiData(i) & "   "

    End Sub

    Sub QuickSort(ByRef data As Integer(), left As Integer, right As Integer)

        If left < right Then
            Dim PivotPosition As Integer = Partition(data, left, right)
            QuickSort(data, left, PivotPosition - 1)
            QuickSort(data, PivotPosition + 1, right)
        End If

    End Sub

    Function Partition(ByRef aiData As Integer(), iLeft As Integer, iRight As Integer)

        Dim iPivot As Integer
        iPivot = aiData(iLeft)

        Do While iLeft <> iRight

            Do While (aiData(iRight) > iPivot) And (iLeft <> iRight)
                iRight = iRight - 1

            aiData(iLeft) = aiData(iRight)

            Do While (aiData(iLeft) < iPivot) And (iLeft <> iRight)
                iLeft = iLeft + 1

            aiData(iRight) = aiData(iLeft)


        aiData(iLeft) = iPivot
        Return iLeft

    End Function

End Class