he following mathematically related keys were generated by multiplying two prime numbers together
Public Key 7, 33
Private Key 3, 33
Send a secret message to your partner
Create a secret message of no more than about 10 characters (e.g. “I love you”)
Convert the text to numbers as follows: A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.
Your will now encrypt each digit with the public key 7, 33…
For each plain text digit n, use your calculator to calculate
n^7 mod 33
e.g. 2^7 mod 33 = 128 mod 33 = 29
Send your secret message to your partner
Receive a secret message from your partner
When you receive the secret message, you must decrypt with private key 3, 33
For each encrypted digit e, use your calculator to calculate
e^3 mod 33
E.G. 29^3 mod 33 = 24389 mod 33 = 2
Convert each number back to text
Enjoy your message