Merge Sort Code

Here you will find two VB.NET implementations of a merge sort.  The first essentially takes the pseudocode described previously and puts it into VB.NET syntax.  The second includes a considerable enhancement in terms of space and time usage, and therefore performance.

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim myList(7) As Integer
        myList(0) = 66
        myList(1) = 44
        myList(2) = 63
        myList(3) = 8
        myList(4) = 10
        myList(5) = 12
        myList(6) = 144
        myList(7) = 106
        Dim Listout() As Integer
        Listout = MergeSort(myList)
        Dim stOut As String
        For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(Listout)
            stOut = stOut & Listout(i) & vbNewLine
        MsgBox(stOut, , “Merge Sorted List”)
    End Sub
    Function MergeSort(Arr() As Integer) As Integer()
        Dim ArrLeftHalf() As Integer
        Dim ArrRightHalf() As Integer
        If UBound(Arr) = 0 Then
            Return Arr
            Exit Function
            Call SplitList(Arr, ArrLeftHalf, ArrRightHalf)
            ArrLeftHalf = MergeSort(ArrLeftHalf)
            ArrRightHalf = MergeSort(ArrRightHalf)
            Return MergeTwoLists(ArrLeftHalf, ArrRightHalf)
        End If
    End Function
    Sub SplitList(Arr() As Integer, ByRef ArrLeft() As Integer, ByRef ArrRight() As Integer)
        'Splits a list into two and returns the two resulting lists via parameters
        Dim iMiddle As Integer = Math.Floor((LBound(Arr) + UBound(Arr)) / 2)
        'Populate empty list with left half of original list
        ReDim ArrLeft(iMiddle)
        For i As Integer = 0 To iMiddle
            ArrLeft(i) = Arr(i)
        'Populate empty list with right half of original list
        Dim iFill As Integer
        ReDim ArrRight(UBound(Arr) – UBound(ArrLeft) – 1)
        For i As Integer = iMiddle + 1 To UBound(Arr)
            ArrRight(iFill) = Arr(i)
            iFill = iFill + 1
    End Sub
    Function MergeTwoLists(Arr1() As Integer, Arr2() As Integer) As Integer()
        'Merge two sorted lists into one sorted list
        Dim Arr3() As Integer   ‘Source lists will be merged into new list Arr3
        ReDim Arr3(UBound(Arr1) + UBound(Arr2) + 1)
        Dim Ptr1 As Integer
        Dim Ptr2 As Integer
        Dim Ptr3 As Integer
        'Repeat until one of the arrays is exhausted
        Do While (Ptr3 <= UBound(Arr3)) And (Ptr1 <= UBound(Arr1)) And (Ptr2 <= UBound(Arr2))
            If Arr1(Ptr1) < Arr2(Ptr2) Then
                Arr3(Ptr3) = Arr1(Ptr1)
                Ptr1 = Ptr1 + 1
                Arr3(Ptr3) = Arr2(Ptr2)
                Ptr2 = Ptr2 + 1
            End If
            Ptr3 = Ptr3 + 1
        'Copy reamining items from larger of the source arrays into Arr3
        If Ptr1 <= UBound(Arr1) Then         'still some items in Arr1
            Do Until Ptr3 = UBound(Arr3) + 1
                Arr3(Ptr3) = Arr1(Ptr1)
                Ptr1 = Ptr1 + 1
                Ptr3 = Ptr3 + 1
        ElseIf Ptr2 <= UBound(Arr2) Then     'still some items in Arr2
            Do Until Ptr3 = UBound(Arr3) + 1
                Arr3(Ptr3) = Arr2(Ptr2)
                Ptr2 = Ptr2 + 1
                Ptr3 = Ptr3 + 1
        End If
        Return Arr3
    End Function
End Class


Although the implementation above is indeed a working merge sort, there is something rather clumsy about it. The issue lies within the SplitList procedure. Whenever we split an array into two, that is, whenever we split a portion of the original array into two, we create two new arrays, and physically copy data into these two arrays. Then we merge pairs of temporary arrays to create yet another temporary array. Copying data around like this is an expensive process, particularly since we are doing it over and over and we don’t have any intention of hanging onto the intermediate arrays that are generated. Merge sort is often used to sort very large data sets, so we need to be mindful of how we use the memory.  The fact is, we don’t ever realy need to split an array into two; we just need to achieve the effect of doing so. Our code just needs to look at the appropriate portion of the original array. This can be achieved by means of a few pointers.

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim myList(7) As Integer
        myList(0) = 66
        myList(1) = 44
        myList(2) = 63
        myList(3) = 8
        myList(4) = 10
        myList(5) = 12
        myList(6) = 144
        myList(7) = 106
        MergeSort(myList, LBound(myList), UBound(myList))
        Dim stOut As String
        For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(myList)
            stOut = stOut & myList(i) & vbNewLine
        MsgBox(stOut, , “Merge Sorted List”)
    End Sub
    Function MergeSort(ByRef Arr As Integer(), iLow As Integer, iHigh As Integer)
        'Pointers are then modified with successive calls, to redefine the portion being worked on.
        If iLow >= iHigh Then
            Return True
            Dim iMiddle As Integer = iLow + (iHigh – iLow) \ 2
            Call MergeSort(Arr, iLow, iMiddle)               'left half is iLow to iMiddle
            Call MergeSort(Arr, iMiddle + 1, iHigh)          'right half is iMiddle + 1 to iHigh
            Call Merge(Arr, iLow, iMiddle, iHigh)
        End If
    End Function
    Sub Merge(ByRef Arr As Integer(), iLow As Integer, iMiddle As Integer, iHigh As Integer)
        'Performs a merge in place; original array is the target
        'Values of iLow, iMiddle and iHigh define which two sections of the original to ‘merge’
        Dim uLeft As Integer = iMiddle – iLow           'Calculate upper bound of left portion
        Dim uRight As Integer = iHigh – iMiddle – 1     'Calculate upper bound of right portion
        'Set up temporary source arrays to merge together
        Dim ArrLeftHalf As Integer()
        Dim ArrRightHalf As Integer()
        ReDim ArrLeftHalf(iMiddle – iLow)
        ReDim ArrRightHalf(iHigh – iMiddle – 1)
        Dim Ptr1 As Integer, Ptr2 As Integer, Ptr3 As Integer
        'Generate temporary left half
        For Ptr1 = 0 To uLeft
            ArrLeftHalf(Ptr1) = Arr(iLow + Ptr1)
        'Generate temorary right half
        For Ptr2 = 0 To uRight
            ArrRightHalf(Ptr2) = Arr(iMiddle + 1 + Ptr2)
        Ptr1 = 0
        Ptr2 = 0
        Ptr3 = iLow     'scan target from a position that leaves sorted data in tact
        'Repeat until one of the source arrays is exhausted
        While (Ptr1 <= uLeft) And (Ptr2 <= uRight)
            If ArrLeftHalf(Ptr1) < ArrRightHalf(Ptr2) Then
                Arr(Ptr3) = ArrLeftHalf(Ptr1)
                Ptr1 = Ptr1 + 1
                Arr(Ptr3) = ArrRightHalf(Ptr2)
                Ptr2 = Ptr2 + 1
            End If
            Ptr3 = Ptr3 + 1
        End While
        'Copy reamining items from larger of the source arrays into target array
        While Ptr1 <= uLeft   'still some items in the left half
            Arr(Ptr3) = ArrLeftHalf(Ptr1)
            Ptr1 = Ptr1 + 1
            Ptr3 = Ptr3 + 1
        End While
        While Ptr2 <= uRight  'still some items in the right half
            Arr(Ptr3) = ArrRightHalf(Ptr2)
            Ptr2 = Ptr2 + 1
            Ptr3 = Ptr3 + 1
        End While
    End Sub
End Class